Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Colorado Springs community-wide visioning process

The Colorado Springs CCPP team is fortunate to be working with a community-wide visioning process called Dream City 2020. In addition to serving as team lead for the CCPP team, I also serve on the organizing team of Dream City 2020. Our aim is to engage 100,000 residents of the Colorado Springs to get their feedback on where they want our community to be. We will be using the Dream City surveys and summit results to inform our CCPP work. Dream City began its work on Friday morning at an orientation meeting attended by 70 leaders from the private, public, nonprofit, and arts sectors.

If you have a moment, please visit the Dream City website.

Posted by Bettina Swigger, Executive Director, Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region.
I hope some of you had a chance to visit the Arts Town 2028 booth at NPAC. I was frankly too busy to get there after Tuesday. If you did, what was you reaction? Was the information useful? Did you discuss their work with the booth staff?
