Thursday, June 26, 2008

De-Brief Comments re NPAC

I will be going to D.C. for a de-briefing meeting on July 23 with the leaders of the national service organizations which put NPAC together. I have my own list of things done well, what we might have done differently, etc., but I'd be interested in hearing any comments from people who participated and weren't "living NPAC" for the last 4 years.... Thanks. Steve Seifert

1 comment:

Bettina said...

Hi Steve- if you could share the work that Americans for the Arts is doing with the NPAC team, that would be marvelous. Having attended NPAC and then AFTA the week after, it's clear to me that the national agenda identified at the town meetings at NPAC is one that AFTA initiatives are already addressing in certain capacities. I would love to hear ways for our national service organizations to communicate better with Americans for the Arts, and vice versa. Thanks!
For example, here's the "Got Arts" national Ad campaign